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Loews Miami South Beach

S4 is held on the 2nd and 3rd floors at the Loews Miami South Beach. To get to the 2nd floor, take the escalator in the Loews lobby and it will put you right where badge pickup and the S4 help desk is located.

2nd Floor

The 3 S4 stages are on the second floor along with the S4 Lounge (your place to get a leisurely latte or espresso), Pwn2Own, Worthy Cause Exhibitors, and the ICS Village/CTF.

3rd Floor

Most of the action on Monday is on the 3rd floor, and it will continue throughout S4 week. The eight S4 Prime Sponsor rooms are on the 3rd floor along with the SBOM Pavilion.

Welcome Party At Miami Beach Botanical Gardens

Tuesday from 5PM – 8PM the S4 Welcome Party is at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens. There is so much going on at the Welcome Party. Make sure you look at the map so you don’t miss a thing.

The map below shows the walk from the Loews Miami Beach to the Welcome Party. It takes about 14 minutes. Dedicated S4 buses will be available at the Loews driveway and at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens to take you back and forth if you prefer not to walk.

Cabana Sessions At The Surfcomber Hotel 

The Cabana Sessions are at the Surfcomber Hotel at 17th and Collins Avenue. Just a short 3-block walk from the Loews. There are a lot of activities going at the Cabana Sessions. Check out the map below so you don’t miss a thing.