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S4x26: Feb 23 – 26, 2026

In Miami South Beach

S4 is …

Optimistic … Forward Looking … Creative … Driving Change

Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. It’s 3-days on 3-stages of sessions for the advanced OT security pro and early adopters. S4 is much more than the sessions. You will be with 1,000+ of the best in world talent. Influencers. Creators. People who are pushing boundaries. And we have a lot of fun with parties and eclectic experiences. All this in a creative environment that is designed to break you out of your normal thought patterns.

The best way to understand how S4 is different is to come to the event. The second best way is to ask someone who has attended, obviously we are biased. S4 is not for everyone. If you are an early adopter, like to be on the leading edge, or enjoy hearing, considering and creating new ideas, then there is a good chance S4 will be a great event for you.


Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4

S4x25 By The Numbers

S4x25 By The Numbers

Thanks to all who attended, spoke, and sponsored. Here are the numbers. There were 1193 attendees From 34 different countries 79% of attendees were from the United States 197 (16.5%) of the attendees were women This is up from 142 (13%) at S4x24 625 (52%) were first...

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S4x25 Video Release Schedule

S4x25 Video Release Schedule

Download PDF Version Of The Schedule Monday, February 24: Welcome & Keynote: Your Value As An OT Security Professional Dale Peterson Wednesday, February 26: Burning Down Cities Brian Foster Monday, March 03: Integrating Cybersecurity AI Technologies Into OT Ofir...

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Don’t Miss Anything At S4x25

Don’t Miss Anything At S4x25

There's a lot going on at S4. Below are some of the activities that require a signup or are niche events. Of course there is also the sessions on three stages, vulnerability management pavilion, startup pavilion, indoor and outdoor lounges and more. Birds Of A Feather...

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9 Prime Room Agendas Are Up

9 Prime Room Agendas Are Up

There are nine prime sponsors who have demos, sessions, and activities in their (much larger than last year) Prime rooms at S4x25. You can think of this as nine additional options for you to consider for your time at S4. A new subsession feature in the Whova app...

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S4x25 Keynotes

S4x25 Keynotes

We have a great lineup for the Wednesday and Thursday Main Stage Keynotes. Wednesday Dale Peterson kicks things off per usual. His mini-keynote changed quite a bit from what he thought it would be in November to where it landed. And Dale says this is an important...

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Unsolicited Response: Your 5 Minutes On Stage

Unsolicited Response: Your 5 Minutes On Stage

Do you have something to say to the S4 community? The leaders and early adopters in OT Security. Unsolicited Response is your chance - - for 5 minutes. We close down Stage 2 on Thursday with an hour of Unsolicited Response. Attendees have 5 minutes, and no more than 5...

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