We’ve had book signings every year at S4 since Rob Lee’s SCADA And Me and Thomas Rid’s Cyber War Will Not Take Place at S4x14. Back then even a diligent collector would have a small bookshelf of OT & ICS Security books. Not anymore. There are many books of varying topics, technical depth, and quality coming out every year.

It’s time. We will have a bookstore at S4x25. It will be assembled and run by the same company that runs the bookstore at RSA. S4 Events will provide a list of books that we recommend be in the bookstore.

Authors of OT and ICS Security books:

  • Send an email to s4@digitalbond.com if you want your book(s) in the bookstore. We know most of the books in this field, but we don’t want to miss yours.
  • If you will be at S4x25, we will set up a time for you to do a book signing (if you want).

(Note: the S4 Proceedings Books from the first four years of S4 are out of print, but the technical papers are online.)