New To S4x25: OT Security Training Roundup

New To S4x25: OT Security Training Roundup

OT Security training quickly went from lacking to plentiful. How do you choose between the various training offerings? We hope to help S4x25 attendees make this decision for themselves and their colleagues (many S4 attendees are leaders in their company’s OT...
Agenda Highlight: Memory Safe Languages

Agenda Highlight: Memory Safe Languages

The Secure By Design guidance universally prioritizes using memory safe languages to prevent overflow and other vuln classes. This is not new. Adam Crain presented Applying The Rust Programming Language back at S4x20, over four years ago. The challenge, especially in...
S4x25 Agenda V1.0 Is Up!

S4x25 Agenda V1.0 Is Up!

Version 1.0 of the S4x25 agenda is now posted. It has about 80% of the session titles and speakers posted four months prior to the event. In October and November we will be announcing the keynotes and fireside chats, adding session details, filling in a few more...