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S4x26: Feb 23 – 26, 2026
In Miami South Beach
S4 is …
Optimistic … Forward Looking … Creative … Driving Change
Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. It’s 3-days on 3-stages of sessions for the advanced OT security pro and early adopters. S4 is much more than the sessions. You will be with 1,000+ of the best in world talent. Influencers. Creators. People who are pushing boundaries. And we have a lot of fun with parties and eclectic experiences. All this in a creative environment that is designed to break you out of your normal thought patterns.
The best way to understand how S4 is different is to come to the event. The second best way is to ask someone who has attended, obviously we are biased. S4 is not for everyone. If you are an early adopter, like to be on the leading edge, or enjoy hearing, considering and creating new ideas, then there is a good chance S4 will be a great event for you.
Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4
August S4x25 Update
What you need to know this month. Call For Presentations Closes August 31st We want to see new faces, new ideas, and groundbreaking research on the S4x25 stage next Feb 11-13 in Tampa. This is the time to submit your proposed session. We review the sessions as they...
S4x25 July Update
Here is what you need to know about S4x25 in July. Remember that S4x25 is moving to Tampa and will be at the JW Marriott Tampa Water Street on Feb 11 - 13th. Call For Presentations (CFP) The CFP opened on June 17th and will remain open until August 31st. All the...
Call For Presentations Is Open
Now’s your chance to get on a S4 stage and present your big idea and great work to over 1,000 of the world’s best and most influential pro’s in OT and ICS security. All the details are on the Call For Presentations page. We highly recommend you watch the video to...
Ticket Page Is Up For Your Budgeting
We have posted the S4x25 ticket prices. There is a $50 increase over S4x24 prices for ticket blocks 1 - 100, 101 - 250 and 251 - 500. All other ticket prices remain the same. We also will be offering the Ticket #1 price for 36 hours so all time zones have a full day...
S4x25 Sponsor Update
Check out Version 1.1 of the S4x25 Sponsor Information Package Sponsors account for ~50% of the S4 event revenue and allow us to spend money on the staging and video, bring in keynote speakers, pay down the S4 event hotel room rate, the provide the auxiliary...
S4x24 Video Release Schedule
Here is the S4x24 Video Release Schedule. We will release a video every Monday and Thursday, with slight alterations for US holidays. Many attendees, and those that couldn’t make it, ask why we don’t release the videos immediately after the event. There are two...