S4 Activities

There’s a lot going on at S4 outside of the three stages. Make sure you check it all out.

Vulnerability Management Pavilion

Women attending S4x22 have the chance to meet each other the night before S4 begins at the beautiful Hyde Park at SLS (pictured below). This is part of the free Women In ICS Security program that includes this social event, access to all 3 stages on Tuesday and access to the Cabana sessions on Tuesday.

The Cabana Sessions – Tuesday 4PM – 7PM

Most events have exhibitors with tabletops in a conference ballroom; S4 has the Cabana Sessions. A handpicked selection of vendors are in cabanas. There is food and drink and fun activities. The real benefit is you have time to have the deep discussions about work and life that build bonds. Many are skeptical about the Cabana Sessions until they experience it, and then it often becomes one of the favorite parts of S4. If you must work every waking hour, their are some technical challenges and the sponsors will give you very deep and technical demos.

Cabana Session Activities

T-Shirt Station:

We had fun designing four t-shirts from you to choose from plus one from Cabana Session Sponsor Phoenix Contact.

Golf Closest To The Pin Competition

Back by the ServiceNow cabana closest to the beach is a high realism golf simulator. Whether your a scratch handicap or a duffer you should give it a try because of the prize.

1st Place Prize for Closest To The Pin – Free ticket to S4x23 AND 3 nights at the conference hotel

There also will be a long drive competition

Create Your ICS Painting

At S4x20 we had two Stuxnet paintings that combined a line drawing and watercolor. We have created two new ICS drawings, and it is your job to add the watercolor. Painters will be on hand to help you out, and you get to take home the finished piece of art. The artwork will be done by the PAS / Hexagon cabana.

Arcade Game Challenge

Four diverse arcade games await you by the Nozomi Networks cabana. You can try each game as many times as you like, but you need to state whether the score you just made is your high score for the contest before you leave the game. The winner will be the combined total of the score from the four games.

1st Place Price – Free ticket to S4x23 AND 3 nights at the conference hotel


The S4x22 Graffiti Art

For the last three years S4 has sponsored an artist from the Miami area to produce a Wynwood Walls style, large form graffiti art mural. This happens life at the Cabana sessions. The resulting murals adorn Stage 2, and they make for a great photo op.

The S4 Party – Wednesday 5:30 – 8:30

You’ve just enjoyed a full day of sessions on 3-stages. Your mind is full of new ideas, and things you want to discuss with peers. Or you just want to relax and talk about anything but ICS security. Either way we have you covered with the S4 Party.

After the last session we all walk three blocks to the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens for the S4 Pary. It’s a beautiful outdoor venue to experience the sunset and twilight with your fellow attendees. This is the sixth year for this Party, and the events the attendees demand are back including:

  • Cigar rollers
  • Domino tables
  • Smores for roasting over the Death Star fire pit
  • Cuban themed food and of course all sorts of drinks

On one end of the garden we will have a DJ spinning vinyl and taking requests. On the other end will be a new event … karaoke. We’ve had many S4 attendees want to show off their musical talent. Here is your chance. And for your bravery you will get a limited edition S4 karaoke shirt. 

Pick Your Song & Sign Up For The S4 Karaoke Stage

Craft Beer Bash – Thursday 4:00 – 5:30

Most event end with a whimper. The last speaker finishes, a few thank you’s, and everyone picks up and shuffles out. We didn’t like that, so we created the Craft Beer Bash.

After the Closing Panel, we bring in the best beer and root beer from local brewers, and it is a chance for a last toast with your friends and colleagues before everyone heads home. And you will walk away with a parting gift and a chance to get your picture taken next to the S4x22 mural.