S4x25 Sponsor Update

S4x25 Sponsor Update

Check out Version 1.1 of the S4x25 Sponsor Information Package Sponsors account for ~50% of the S4 event revenue and allow us to spend money on the staging and video, bring in keynote speakers, pay down the S4 event hotel room rate, the provide the auxiliary...
S4x24 Video Release Schedule

S4x24 Video Release Schedule

Here is the S4x24 Video Release Schedule. We will release a video every Monday and Thursday, with slight alterations for US holidays. Many attendees, and those that couldn’t make it, ask why we don’t release the videos immediately after the event. There are two...
S4x24 By The Numbers

S4x24 By The Numbers

There were 1,069 attendees from 33 countries at S4x24. 296 asset owners (more on this below) 296 OT security vendors (coincidence) 214 consultants and integrators 97 ICS vendors (companies that sell ICS, Emerson, Honeywell, RA, SE, Siemens, …) The rest are others...
S4x24 Swag

S4x24 Swag

We have a lot of fun putting together the swag bag every year. Here’s what’s at S4x24: Attendee Swag Bag Clothing: 1st Time S4 Attendee (since 2022): Black or white Create The Future pullover hoodie. 2nd Time S4 Attendee (since 2022): Create The Future jogger (new...
S4x24 Hotel Room Availability / Last Call For Tickets

S4x24 Hotel Room Availability / Last Call For Tickets

All S4 room blocks at the Loews Miami Beach and Surfcomber are sold out. We’ve had many requests for a room at the beautiful Loews Miami Beach Hotel. Our room block sold out months ago. Over that time there have been some cancellations. Loews is reopening the...