Check out Version 1.1 of the S4x25 Sponsor Information Package

Sponsors account for ~50% of the S4 event revenue and allow us to spend money on the staging and video, bring in keynote speakers, pay down the S4 event hotel room rate, the provide the auxiliary activities, and all of the social events and fun.

The most popular and largest packages (S4 Prime, Big Party, S4 Indoor Lounge) sold out immediately, and we were able to select from a list of applicants those that we thought would best improve the attendee experience.

What remains as of 10 May 2024 is

  • 1 (Thursday) Outdoor Lounge Sponsor
  • 5 (out of 13 total) Vulnerability Management Pavilion Sponsors
  • 3 (out of 8 total) Startup Pavilion Sponsors
  • 2 Craft Beer Bash (small businesses only, less than $25M revenue)
  • 5 Lunch Sponsors (small businesses only)

In case it isn’t obvious, you need to have a Vulnerability Management solution to be in that Pavilion, and a Startup to be in the Startup Pavilion. If you have any questions contact us at

It’s not easy to be a S4 sponsor. It’s not like other events where you put up a tabletop or booth in an exhibit hall, send your trade show team with the key messaging, and get the attendee list or scan a lot of badges to add to your email list. If you treat it like other conferences you will fail. If you can’t get into the technical details of the attendee’s situation, listen, and provide straightforward answers, you will fail. If you are in full on sales mode and can’t have fun or talk about anything but your solution, you will fail. The S4 attendee will be polite, but they will move on. We often tell potential sponsors they should attend S4 once before sponsoring to see if it is for them and learn how to make the expenditure worth it.

My favorite comment quote from a long-time repeat Cabana Session sponsor is: “S4 is the hardest event we do every year, and it’s the best event we do every year.” Best ROI. Best because it’s possible to have long discussions and establish relationships with the technical advisor or other key person in the purchase decision process.