Feb 12, 2024 | AgendaArticles, Blog
S4 first covered Secure By Design in 2008 with Steve Lipner of Microsoft and the Security Development Lifecycle as the keynote for S4x08, and there have been many sessions on it in the intervening 16 years. The CISA dual initiatives of Secure By Design and trying to...
Jan 31, 2024 | AgendaArticles, Blog, S4 News
Last year we debuted the hot new game show My Favorite Metric! Contestants at S4 have 3 minutes on the Main Stage to explain their ICS security or cyber risk metric and why it’s their favorite. A panel of judges comments and provides a score. All of the...
Oct 31, 2023 | AgendaArticles, S4 News
We have posted the first draft of the S4x24 agenda. The agenda has titles and speakers for ~95% of the sessions on the three S4 Stages. We will be filling in the descriptions for these sessions in November. The speaker page is also up and being populated by the...
Jan 12, 2023 | AgendaArticles, Blog, S4 News
Kill It With Fire author Marianne Bellotti has made her career in modernizing legacy systems and wrote a book on it. Rarely are either “live with it” or “rip and replace” the right approach. Marianne will share the right approach to modernizing...
Dec 18, 2022 | AgendaArticles, Blog, S4 News
We have tried, since S4 began in 2007, to recognize and promote new talent in our speaker selection. The three stages at S4x23 will be full of new speakers. Here are some stats. Only 8 of the 57 speakers were on stage at S4x20 or S4x22 (S4x21 did not take place). And...
Dec 15, 2022 | AgendaArticles, Blog, S4 News
Cyber Persistence Theory represents a major change in how the US Government will operate in the cyber realm. Michael Fischerkeller, along with co-authors Emily Goldman and Richard Harknett, have written the book on this theory (note the forward is by Director of NSA...