Now On Sale

S4x25 Ticket Block 1001 – 1500

Last Ticket Block For S4x25

S4 is …

Optimistic … Forward Looking … Creative … Driving Change

Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. It’s 3-days on 3-stages of sessions for the advanced OT security pro and early adopters. S4 is much more than the sessions. You will be with 1,000+ of the best in world talent. Influencers. Creators. People who are pushing boundaries. And we have a lot of fun with parties and eclectic experiences. All this in a creative environment that is designed to break you out of your normal thought patterns.

The best way to understand how S4 is different is to come to the event. The second best way is to ask someone who has attended, obviously we are biased. S4 is not for everyone. If you are an early adopter, like to be on the leading edge, or enjoy hearing, considering and creating new ideas, then there is a good chance S4 will be a great event for you.


Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4

Ticket Limits

Ticket Limits

We wanted to provide some more information and rationale behind S4x24 ticket limits for all organizations except for asset owners. First, we have found great value in having attendees from ICS security product and consulting vendors, ICS vendors, national labs and...

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S4 Hotel Update

S4 Hotel Update

S4x24 will be held at the Loews Miami Beach. In the first three days of registration we had over 200 of the 325 rooms reserved. We have been able to add 75 rooms to the block for a total of 400 rooms, and we won’t be able to add more. You need a S4x24 ticket to...

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S4x24 Ticket Info

S4x24 Ticket Info

If you are planning on coming to S4x24 (March 4 - 7 in Miami South Beach), be ready to buy your ticket on October 2nd to get the best price. To give all time zones a fair chance, we hold the ticket 1 - 100 price of $1,595 + tax for 36 hours regardless of how many...

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S4x24 Sponsor Packages Are Out

S4x24 Sponsor Packages Are Out

The S4x24 Sponsor Package Information kit is now available. We took the lessons learned from S4x23, since we will be back at the same venues, and tweaked the sponsor packages a bit. We tried to highlight any changes. Please read the package you are interested in...

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S4x23 By The Numbers

S4x23 By The Numbers

S4x23 is in the books. It took place 13 - 16 Feb 2023. The spirit of S4 always tells the story, and I know people like to know the numbers. 1105 total attendees (sold out) less about 75 people who didn't pick up their badge plus about 100 people who had 3rd floor only...

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Feb 7th Attendee Update – 1 Week Until S4x23

Feb 7th Attendee Update – 1 Week Until S4x23

S4x23 is a week away and sold out. Some tips for your trip and the S4 Event itself. Dress Code and Clothes: There is no dress code and you will see everything from suits to t-shirts. Wear whatever you are comfortable in. S4 regulars will tell you the most important...

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