The S4x24 Women In ICS Security program will be back again for a third year with the effort led by a great team of volunteers. We had a record 217 women this year at S4x23. Quite a change from when there were just a handful of the women in a sea of men at these events. Still it only represented 20% of the S4x23 attendance. There is still work to do.

Check out the Women In ICS Security page for details on the program. Highlights include:

  • Two sessions Monday afternoon to help with careers … Build Your Brand Workshop and the popular Career Pathing Panel is back
  • The Women In ICS Security social event on Monday evening (women only). Meet and greet your peers before the event starts on Tuesday.
  • The 1 on 1 career coaching is back for S4x24. There will be calls for coaches and an opportunity to be coached by a great match for your needs.
  • and more.

We also have opened up the Women In ICS Security sponsor program. It’s primarily signage at the WICSS events and in other areas at S4.