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S4x25 Ticket Block 1001 – 1500

Last Ticket Block For S4x25

S4 is …

Optimistic … Forward Looking … Creative … Driving Change

Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS. It’s 3-days on 3-stages of sessions for the advanced OT security pro and early adopters. S4 is much more than the sessions. You will be with 1,000+ of the best in world talent. Influencers. Creators. People who are pushing boundaries. And we have a lot of fun with parties and eclectic experiences. All this in a creative environment that is designed to break you out of your normal thought patterns.

The best way to understand how S4 is different is to come to the event. The second best way is to ask someone who has attended, obviously we are biased. S4 is not for everyone. If you are an early adopter, like to be on the leading edge, or enjoy hearing, considering and creating new ideas, then there is a good chance S4 will be a great event for you.


Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4

OPC UA Targets At Pwn2Own Miami

OPC UA Targets At Pwn2Own Miami

Pwn2Own Miami is coming back to find 0days in important ICS products. You can see all the details at the ZDI site, and we encourage you to register with them if you are interested in participating and potentially winning some serious money ($280K was won at the...

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Wednesday’s Amazing Keynote Block

Wednesday’s Amazing Keynote Block

This may be the best 3-session keynote block ever at S4. Niloofar Razi Howe will kick off the day with a keynote, and then Dale Peterson will interview CISA Director Jen Easterly and Google's Phil Venables. And since this is Women In ICS Security Wednesday, any women...

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An ICS CTF At S4x22

An ICS CTF At S4x22

Reid Wightman used to run an epic ICS Capture The Flag (CTF) event at S4 that had many teams working around the clock in a very competitive contest. The S4 CTF was retired at S4x20, and replaced with the Pwn2Own competition. Still there were many past attendees who...

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PLC/Controller Offensive & Defensive Sessions At S4x22

PLC/Controller Offensive & Defensive Sessions At S4x22

Ten years ago, at S4x12, we sprang Project Basecamp on the world and showed the scope and impact of insecure by design and vulnerable PLCs and Level 1 devices. So it is only fitting that S4x22 has some bleeding edge Purdue Model Level 1 security sessions. It begins...

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Women In ICS Security Wednesday

Women In ICS Security Wednesday

Women represent 51% of the population, and 60% of those attending college today. And yet only about 10% of the ICS security community are women. It often is difficult for women to enter and thrive in the male dominated, sometimes hostile, and often intentionally and...

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Autobahn 301-Level Training Day Agenda

Autobahn 301-Level Training Day Agenda

How do we follow up the 101-Level Onramp training and 201-Level Highway training? Of course, by heading out on the Autobahn with 301-Level training on the Monday prior to S4x22, January 24th. The more advanced content requires longer sessions, so the Autobahn will...

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