S4x25 is Feb 11 – 13
Call For Presentations Is Open!

We’re excited to move S4 to Tampa for 2025. The JW Marriott is bigger and newer. We won’t need to limit the number of attendees. We will have bigger spaces for S4 Stages, Birds of a Feather events, industry meetings and other activities. While we will miss the Welcome Party and Cabana Sessions, the S4 Big Party on Wednesday night will offer even more than those past two events. Tampa is different too. Different vibe; different opportunities; and different challenges. It’s a great canvas for S4.

Check out the S4x25 page for key dates, sponsor information and the latest updates.

We still like Miami South Beach and will back there at least one more time for S4x26 (23-26 February 2026).

S4x25 Call For Presentations Closes In








S4 is …

Optimistic … Forward Looking … Creative … Driving Change

Set free a conservative, slow moving, change resistant community to discover new ideas and come up with innovative ways to use these new ideas to deploy secure, resilient and better ICS.

After a Covid caused cancellation of S4x21, S4 came roaring back with a record 800 attendees and warmth of spirit at S4x22. S4x23 in February sold out with 1,100 attendees, and this will be the attendee limit for S4x24. More important than the numbers were the percentage of new and diverse talent we are seeing and the spirit that has been maintained at S4 despite the growth from 40 people in a small room in 2007.

The best way to understand how S4 is different is to come to the event. The second best way is to ask someone who has attended, obviously we are biased. S4 is not for everyone. If you are an early adopter, like to be on the leading edge, or enjoy hearing, considering and creating new ideas, then there is a good chance S4 will be a great event for you.


Create The Future of OT and ICS Security at S4

Spaf! Onstage Interview & Book Signing

Spaf! Onstage Interview & Book Signing

Dr. Eugene Spafford, aka Spaf, is a legend in the security community, and we are honored to have him at S4x23 for an on-stage interview and book signing. Gene is a Professor in Purdue University's Dept of Computer Sciences and Executive Director Emeritus of Purdue's...

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S4x23 Agenda Is Up!

S4x23 Agenda Is Up!

Three days, three stages plus events on the third floor and social events makes for a very full agenda. We received a great haul in quantity and quality of session proposals that made for hard choices. Now it is here, the first draft of the S4x23 Agenda. Available 3+...

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Women In ICS Security Update & Sponsor Opportunities

Women In ICS Security Update & Sponsor Opportunities

First, an update. 57 of the 100 free Women In ICS Security tickets are taken, and there are ~35 women who have purchased full tickets. Unsure at this early date if we will top the 180 women (20%) at S4x22, but we will have a good representation. It will still fall far...

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S4x23 ICS Capture The Flag (CTF) Competition

S4x23 ICS Capture The Flag (CTF) Competition

The S4 ICS CTF is back for S4x23. The ICS Village will run the CTF. And it will be like 9 CTFs rolled into one. The S4 ICS Capture The Flag competition was one of the first in the ICS category. My biased opinion is that Reid Wightman put on one of the most creative...

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Monday’s Events At S4x23

Monday’s Events At S4x23

S4x23 officially opens at 9AM on Tuesday, Feb 14th, but you may want to plan on taking a Monday (Feb 13th) morning flight so you can participate in the Monday afternoon pre-event activities beginning at 1PM. The SBOM Pavilion will be open 1PM - 6PM on Monday. You can...

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